Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of March 15, 2020

By David Himmel

• It really bothers me when people say, “I never get sick.” Because they only say this when they’re sick or just got over being sick. So, yeah, you do get sick.

• It seems that almost everyone is setting up GoFundMe pages to help families during these rocky, uncertain, economically challenging times. I wonder though… if everyone is hurting, who can afford to help?

• The ability to understand other people—not just trying to understand them, but truly understanding them—is the most important ability, dare I say quality, one can possess. And it’s not easy. Because understanding a person can mean looking at what they do and seeing, in your opinion, evil, self-serving actions, but learning that they truly believe that they’re doing good, beneficial work. That said, I understand Donald Trump, I do not condone the motherfucker. The same goes for my friends and family who voted for him in 2016.

• If Planned Parenthood shuts down during this pandemic, it will not save the lives of unborn fetuses. It will reduce the number of available healthcare centers desperately needed right now. Please don’t cheer for that. Get over your religious leanings and consider the facts, just until all this passes.

• Fear is a terrible thing. It makes us reactionary often in the most moronic of ways. But right now, we have every right to be afraid. We just have to be smart about it. It’s a tricky situation.

• This COVID-19 pandemic is worse than 9/11 because we can’t hug each other.


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