Notes form the Post-it Wall | Week of August 30, 2020

By David Himmel

• Every loner needs a few good friends.

• If you believe something, that doesn’t make it true. If you don’t believe something, that doesn’t make it not true. Belief is yours and yours alone and immune to all facts. Your belief might be worth believing, but do not mistake it for evidence.

• There is not enough time in the day to worry about how much time there is in a day.

• Denying facts is a whole lot easier than accepting them. But isn’t that life sometimes? We have to do the hard work in order to do good work.

• If archeologists happened to find the body of Christ—proof he didn’t go to heaven—that would automatically make every Christian either a Jew or a Muslim. Wouldn’t that be fun?

• The thing I’m most looking forward to in my life right now is the day that my son starts to look like me. Then, probably a few years later, I’ll feel sorry the kid because he’ll likely end up with this unfortunately pronounced nose.


Who Cares What I Think About...Anything?


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