Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of November 10, 2019

By David Himmel

• Maybe we should give Donald Trump four more years. Maybe he needs that time to figure out how to do the job right.

• We have no idea how history will recount these days. The victor can no longer write the history because these days it is never clear who the victor is.

• What’s on TV right now? A docuseries about a Treblinka Nazi death guard, a docuseries about a preppy murder, or presidential impeachment hearings. It’s a fine time to be alive!

• Christmas is coming and The Hallmark Channel will save us all.

• There are reports that kids don’t know about the Holocaust. That’s terrible. But I’m wondering if they know who the characters are on the boxes of Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles.

• My wife and I would make terrible diplomats. We would very quickly negotiate with terrorists. Just watch how fast we cut deals with our toddler son.


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