Chris Churchill, Churchill Saves the World Chris Churchill Chris Churchill, Churchill Saves the World Chris Churchill

Chris Churchill Saves the World | How "The Walking Dead" Helped Me Feel My Feelings

I love The Walking Dead for a lot of reasons. But here’s the reason I’m so loyal to it:

When I was nineteen years old, committed to the psych ward, sitting across from my first psychiatrist, Dr. Bolan, he explained it to me. He told me I had a panic disorder (a diagnosis that subsequent psychiatrists haven’t necessarily focused on but one that seems to encapsulate a big part of my problem). He compared my brain to a house with many rooms, all of which had a light switch to be turned on when something worried me. As he explained, most people can turn the light on and then, when it was no longer needed (i.e., the thing that worries you is gone), they can turn the light off. People with a panic disorder cannot turn the lights off once they get turned on.

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Chris Churchill, Churchill Saves the World Chris Churchill Chris Churchill, Churchill Saves the World Chris Churchill

Chris Churchill Saves the World | The Right to Be Ignored

Here in America, we have a lot of rights written into the Constitution. You can own bear arms. Your church can speak to the media. The media can speak about church. You can bring your own snacks into the movies. It’s all in there.

There are also basic human rights that don’t always make it into the founding documents of any particular nation. Controlling your own body. Having a good quality of life. Bringing your own snacks into a hospital.
There’s one right that I don’t hear enough people talking about.

Here’s another one I never hear people talking about: The right to be left alone. The right to be completely ignored.

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