What They Found Out

By Chris Churchill

That’s you relying on something.

That’s you relying on something.

So they found out that there’s no such thing as whatever that thing is that you rely on to make sense of everything. They looked. They don’t see any sign of it.

But that’s okay because they also found out that “everything” doesn’t really matter all that much. And they’re not that sure that everything actually exists either. I promise, they looked as hard as they could and they never got to everything.

There’s Everything trying to be something…

There’s Everything trying to be something…

But if you don’t like what they’re saying, you should probably ask yourself, “who are they, anyway?” And if you don’t get a good answer, you should really ask loudly to any passer by that will listen, “Who do they think they ARE?”

That’s They. There’s them.

That’s They. There’s them.

And if they don’t come up with an answer, or you don’t come up with an answer, or if none of those passers by have a good enough answer for you, you should wonder, “what was I thinking about anyway?


Yeah. That’s me. I mean look at me. That’s me if I know me.

Yeah. That’s me. I mean look at me. That’s me if I know me.

Then pause, shrug, sigh, and say to no one in particular, “You know?”

And no one in particular responds, “I DO know.”

Then you’ve got to wonder who is “YOU” and who are “I” in the first place?

Those who over or under think things, often with the aid of or deficit in chemicals in the brain, say I and You hang out together purely at the discretion of the great We (which is a hilariously name for the aforementioned but as yet unproven everything…because it sounds like “wee”).

Hey you! That’s you!

Hey you! That’s you!

Anyway, YOU can pretend not to be here. You can pretend not to be you. You can pretend there’s no anything that’s something or that nothing is everything or everything is nothing or you can choose to be whatever you are and be glad you get to be that.

Be that thing, you! Be that thing!

Chris Churchill

I'm a psych patient with a high I.Q. and a Master of Arts in Communication, Media and Theatre from Northeastern Illinois University. Writer, comedic performer, musician, songwriter, no-budget filmmaker, teacher and bus driver. 

Originally from Kansas City, Kansas, moved to Chicago in 1997 to pursue that Chicago sketch and improv comedy dream. I've been a tour guide in Chicago since 1998. I've been married since 1998 and, though we have no children, we have three birds. 

I probably would like you very much.


The Conundrum of Age: As Times Passes, Our Fellow Passengers Disembark


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of January 5, 2020