The Cereal Wish

The Cereal Wish

Fast & Short is a flash fiction collaboration between eight Literate Ape writers. Each was tasked with authoring one piece of flash fiction that would be combined to create a single short story. The writers’ flash fiction needed to serve two purposes: 1) Stand alone as a unique piece of flash fiction and 2) Serve as a vehicle for building a larger story and driving that story forward. Here is that developing story.

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The Fourth Meeting With Death
J.L. Thurston, Fiction Jenni Thurston J.L. Thurston, Fiction Jenni Thurston

The Fourth Meeting With Death

Death liked Nelson, but Nelson wasn’t exactly sure why. Perhaps because they’d spent a lot of time together. At their last meeting, Nelson asked Death how he was able to remember their meetings. He’d done weeks of research, trying to find others who claimed they’d met Death. He had only found whackos.

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Once King
J.L. Thurston Jenni Thurston J.L. Thurston Jenni Thurston

Once King

He’s a man who seems older than he is as he stoops over a broom and pushes dried leaves and debris off the street. His task is never-ending. Day or night, you will find him cleaning the square under the shadow of the castle.

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An Ass and His Dog
J.L. Thurston Jenni Thurston J.L. Thurston Jenni Thurston

An Ass and His Dog

For who-knows-how-long, it was just Loren and Lady. And he went nowhere without her. Yes. Even in the ER, the old Irish Setter was lying on the floor, gazing up lovingly at Loren with her brown puppy eyes.

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Santa's Gift
J.L. Thurston, Fiction Jenni Thurston J.L. Thurston, Fiction Jenni Thurston

Santa's Gift

Ricky stood in the snow with one sneaker untied and his backpack hanging far too low on his back. His breath misted in the frigid December air. He shook, but not from the cold. His mother taught him to layer up, making it almost impossible to catch a chill.

No, his shivers were from fear. A fear he had every year. But this year was going to be different.

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Dark Flowers: An Excerpt
J.L. Thurston, Fiction Jenni Thurston J.L. Thurston, Fiction Jenni Thurston

Dark Flowers: An Excerpt

When Dahlia is informed she must learn to use her newly discovered powers, she isn’t sure if she should be elated or terrified. Having just murdered a few high school bullies, attending Sterling Manor could mean the start of a new life or the end of one.

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True Love Exists
J.L. Thurston Jenni Thurston J.L. Thurston Jenni Thurston

True Love Exists

True love exists. It can exist in many forms. It can enter our lives when we are young, or it can wait until we’re seasoned. True love can be discovered, or it can suddenly awaken. I don’t believe everyone experiences it. I wish we all did. I don’t know why some are able to feel it and others can’t. I only know that I am one of the lucky few who have it, and I will hold onto it forever.

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