Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 14, 2021

By David Himmel

• Character is more important than plot, politics, and perception. We fail when we forget this fact.

• Poor white people love people like Trump because they’re two sides of the same coin. They both live completely sheltered lives and both believe the lie of American Exceptionalism. The wealthier side of the coin believes that they were born into that exceptionalism because they deserved it and the poorer side believes that one day, they, too will be exceptional.

• Twitter is the 21st century’s crack epidemic.

• Marriage and parenting aren’t hard. Spouses are. (That includes all of us.)

• If you’re not a morning person, there’s a good chance you’re not that great of an afternoon person either.

• The most important lesson we can learn over and over again from making mistakes is how to admit we were wrong and being able to gracefully move on.


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