Notes from the Post-it Wall | Independence Day Edition

By David Himmel

• The Republican Part is the party of Lincoln. It’s also the party of Nixon, Reagan, Trump, and David Duke. And the Democrats can claim JFK, but also both Johnsons, and Woodrow Wilson. There is no purity in pledging allegiance to any American political party.

• Seeing giant American flags draped across giant crosses as I drive through central Illinois… I love how the irony of crucifying the flag is completely lost on these patriots.

• America is in distress. Patriotism is not avoiding that fact, it is facing the challenge of answering that distress call to fix what is broken and replace what has been lost. Of course, in America’s case, the thing that needs to be put in place was never there to begin with. And that thing is true equality for all.

• We can’t ever make America great again. We have to first make it great. And today, that begins by wearing your fucking mask, Ken.

• Used to want to be a Marine. Then I turned 9 years old and realized how stupid an idea that was.

• I still believe the best way to celebrate the 4th of July this year is silently.


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