I Believe... [The MCU is NOT a Rorschach]

...that sometimes a hose on your water heater bursting at 5:00am is just one of those things; other times, it’s a flood in the middle of a drought in the desert and is a sign that Las Vegas is done with you. Portents and signs, gang.

...that, in light of the forgiveness of a chunk of student loans, I’d like to petition Uncle Joe to forgive my credit card debt. Believe me, I’ll spend the savings wisely. I mean, Daddy needs a new iPad and Apple needs that cash, amiright?

...that assigning cultural importance to She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is ridiculous. It’s a television show about a fictional character based on a comic book. Reading heavy feminist agenda into it is like trying to find white supremacy in the requirement to be on time at work.

...that few things feel better than a well-planned and solidly executed getaway.

...that it’s either incredibly savvy and minimalist of me or crushingly sad that everything I own in the world can fit into a moving cube the size of Harry Potter’s under-the-stairs bedroom.


Mikhail Gorbachev is Dead and that Feels Like Something


Face the Music