Pro-Life: A Call to Action!

By David Himmel 

Now that it’s done—that great stain on the American Experiment that was a guaranteed right to safe parental planning through a woman’s—a family’s—ability to choose—it’s time for the Pro-Life Movement to take action and really lean into that Pro-Life Lifestyle.

Getting Roe v. Wade overturned has been the Pro-Life Movement’s main mission for half a century, and, finally, thanks to demented reasoning using, cherry-picked and distorted bits of history, six selfish Christian judges gave the Movement the victory generations have been praying for. Striking down rights to privacy, autonomy, and personal freedom? Let’s celebrate! But then let’s get to work. Because now the real work begins.

Overturning Roe was easy. A few marches, some trips to D.C., a phone call or email to a representative, voting for packaged Christian values. But mostly, it was an exercise in patience. The waiting game. The long game. Waiting long enough for the right kind of assholes to nominate the other right kind of assholes to be confirmed by another group of the right kind of assholes so the second group of assholes could find shoddy legal arguments to take American rights away. And all just shy of fifty years! Good job!

Now, with the Right to Life/Forced Birth established, we’re sure to see the Pro-Life Movement get on to the next order of business: Marching, protesting, campaigning, and fighting for the needs of so many American families trying to eek out a living. Here’s a short list to help get you good Christians started:

  • Affordable and effective healthcare

  • Affordable childcare

  • Quality, unbiased public education. That is, keeping all religious teachings and influences out of the classroom. (If you’d hate to hear a Jewish prayer before math class, best not to push for a Christian one—all things being equal.) Private schools can indoctrinate at will, of course.

  • Paid parental leave for all parents (men, women, gay, lesbian, non-binary, etc.)

  • Common sense gun control. You know, because guns are the leading cause of death among children and teens

  • Income equality

  • Fair housing and reasonable living wage minimums that evolve with the market

These are all things central to the Pro-Life Lifestyle. Without them, life is harder, sicker, shorter. History and science have shown us that prayer does not help an overworked single mother. Daycare does. Prayer doesn’t help a sick dad recover from cancer. Healthcare does. Prayer doesn’t keep AR-15s from being pointed at children’s heads before ejecting a bullet to vaporize the skull. Making weapons of war unavailable for sale does. Prayer doesn’t lift a family up by the bootstraps. Generational wealth does. So, too, does income equality.

Pro-lifers, you’ve done a heckuva job making it known how much you love to see women being pregnant and give birth. But you’ve been pretty quiet on all the stuff that comes after that. And, well, actually, pretty quiet on the stuff that comes with being pregnant like access to quality healthcare, but I digress. Point is, I understand why you haven’t made a fuss about these other pro-life issues. You had to get the elephant in the womb out of the proverbial cervix first. So, now’s that time! I can’t wait to see which of the aforementioned pro-life touchstones you champion at next year’s March for Life in D.C.

Sheesh, I might even join you there.


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