I Believe... [Trump Cards?]

...that makeup in moderation is fine but false eyelashes should be reserved for drag queens only.

...that $99 is a steal for a Donald Trump Official Digital Trading Card but the very person who would appreciate it most can’t work his phone and is still using a 2005 Dell desktop.

...that writers should stop verbing nouns and nouning verbs.

...that if Musk is true to his actions and is really going to hold everyone including journalists accountable for doxxing people Twitter might become less of a shitstorm. That is, however, a big and looming ‘if.’

...that there’s something surreal and freeing in the act of eschewing the clock and working all night, sleeping all day that indicates that so much of our lives are siloed into preconceived boxes. We are the elephants chained to the ground on one leg.


A Merry Christmas Punch/CounterPunch On the Sensitive Topic of One Mr. George Bailey, Part One


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of December 11, 2022