I Believe... [Wear That Dress, Girl!]

...that when the Left shoots a load in her panties for George W. Bush and cancels Bill Clinton I’d say their priorities have become comically fucked.

...that few things scream effective activism than attending an event costing $30,000 a ticket wearing a dress that cost $45,000 with an anti-capitalist message stitched into it. Like going to a Raiders game with a hat that says “Concussions and Wife Beating are Bad” or a fundraiser for the Catholic Church in an alter boy costume.

...that the best lesson to learn from the last ten years of Norm MacDonald’s career is to say what you want, laugh at everything, and fearlessly be stupid in the face of criticism because cancer’s gonna get you anyway so why the fuck not?

...that if you find you can’t work with people who do not hold the same core moral beliefs as you do, working all by yourself may be your career path moving forward. Or you could always join a cult because conformity of values is a hallmark of the kind of groupthink fostered by that sort of gang. Or become a hermit in an RV just outside Coalville, Utah.

...that history will demonstrate that activists in this age had less to do with genuine progressive change than Netflix did.


The Old Lady's Warning


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of September 12, 2021