I Believe... [Time>Money]

...that what is more important than the statistical fact that white people are less supportive of Black Lives Matter now than last summer is the answer to the question “Why are white people less supportive of Black Lives Matter now than last summer?” If the best answer you can come up with is “racism” you aren’t really paying a lot of attention, are you?

...that volunteering your time and energy is more helpful than your money or your social media approval.

...that defining yourself in terms of your means of employment is as limiting and pointless as defining yourself by your sexual preference or the color of your skin. The smaller the box you live in, the less room for your posters and beanbag chair.

...that “I don’t feel safe” is a shitty response to things you don’t like. George Zimmerman “didn’t feel safe” so he killed a kid with Skittles and a hoodie.

...that those sad souls still holding out hope for either overturning the 2020 election (via defective and incompetent recounts in Arizona) or that Trump will win a 2024 election are only a millimeter away from worshipping Jim Jones and we all know how that turned out.


Five Days With Kiddos


Cancellation is Now an Equal Opportunity Equation