I Believe... [Switching Out Identifiers Exposes the Game]

By Don Hall

...that if changing “white” to “black” or “men” to “women” in your polemic makes you suddenly sound like a Southern politician from 1950, you’re a bigot and a sexist.

...that Donald J. Trump should be impeached (again) and prevented from ever holding public office.

...that Donald J. Trump should be permanently banned from all social media platforms for life.

...that Donald J. Trump is a problem but is not the reason for the problem. Getting him out of the office only solves the immediate issue. The larger issue involves unprecedented access for demagogues to message bullshit with impunity to millions without some sort of safeguard.

…that the Woke are Stalin and Mao without a figurehead. The Alt Right is the Confederacy without an army or slaves.


The Rise and Fall of Free Speech: What Big Tech Giveth, Big Tech Taketh Away


Advice Unsolicited | STAY AWAY FROM THE HOUSE!