I Believe… [Gambling Away Your Unemployment Check]

By Don Hall

…that if you do not want to be stereotyped, you should try not to fit one.

…that if you use your unemployment money for entertainment instead of paying your bills, you’re a human shit nugget.

…that when protest becomes a daily fact of life, the reason for the protest gets shoved into the back while the kind of protest becomes the lede. Peaceful, violent, constructive, destructive are adjectives based on the aftermath of these actions and often have little to do with the specific points of outrage.

…that you can cherry-pick pieces of mythology and still be considered 100 percent religious but you can’t selectively choose one set of data over another and be pro-science in any fashion.

…that Mitch McConnell is a fucking Bond villain while Trump is a Dr. Evil henchman propped up to confuse Austin Powers.


Optimism When Things are Easy is a Sham


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of September 13, 2020