The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | CANCELLED!

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By Joe Janes


Chicago Hijinks and Improv

Chip Meesler

Artistic Director, Producer, Performer

Live Stream on Instagram

June 24, 2020              11:42am

Attendance: Chip Meesler and maybe three or four other people.

Only Jerry made it through the whole thing

Chip - Hi, everybody. It’s me, Chip Meesler. This is very difficult for me to say. As you know, we here at Comedy Hijinks and Improv fully support the Black Lives Movement and the MeToo Movement. And before that, we were really into respecting the flag. Both flags. All flags matter. And  by we, I mean, me. Sure, there are some regular players, but I’m the only one who made any money. Everyone else worked for free and just showed up to play. They got stage time.

We have a long history of running our show, “The Suggestion is Comedy” for three-and-a-half years. Every Tuesday night in the back room of Dunk’s Sports Bar whenever a game wasn’t on. Unfortunately, the last show we did in March before the pandemic lockdown was our final performance. We will not be reopening. Dunk’s will be. We won’t be there.

Many of you are probably aware of the vicious attacks I have received on my Twitter account @ChipOffDaBlock. Many people are disgruntled former C.H.I. players who are accusing me of not using them enough because I am sexist and racist. First off, I’m not racist. We never had anyone of color audition for us, so how can I be racist when there’s no one to be racist to? Some people have said I have been racist on stage. All I have to say about that is, you find a rhyme for “bigger” when improvising a rap song. Go ahead. Try it. I’ll wait. It’s not my fault it’s a trigger word…trigger…damn…

Yes, I wrote “All Lives Matter” in a Tweet, but how is that racist? It’s ALL lives matter. That includes the blacks. All the coloreds, colors! All the colors.

The few women we did have play, well, had a bit of an attitude. They seem to forget what “yes, and—” means when an office scene needs a secretary or when I’m playing your husband and, in the context of the scene, I just want a kiss goodnight from my stripper housewife. By the way, telling someone to smile more, is an improv note. It’s just a note. 

I don’t think people appreciate the work that goes into producing, directing, and performing in a Tuesday night comedy show. Facebook events don’t just happen. Someone has to put up flyers in the bar. Someone has to take the $5 cover charge at the door while also encouraging audience members and performers to buy beer and wings or Dunk’s will drop us. IF it’s such hard work, why did you do it, Chip? I did it because I love comedy. I also love giving hugs to people – on stage, off stage, from behind – not just women. Some men, too. 

I’m a guy who likes to give compliments. How is that a crime? At shows, I’d often tell players, “Hey, good job…Nancy.” “Hey, you look nice today…Phil.”

People loved our show. Our crowds were often in the double digits when you include the lights guy. When we had one. We had a few regular fans. Jerry. We had Jerry. The bus staff seemed to like us. I’m not sure they  understood English, but they seemed to point and smile at us a lot. Especially when I pulled out my Senior Sleepy character…in tribute. In tribute. 

So, when Dunk’s reopens, it will no longer have Comedy Hijinks and Improv presenting “The Suggestion is Comedy” on Tuesday nights. Not sure what I’ll do or where I’ll go. Guess I’ll just lay low. But if you show up at Dunk’s on a Tuesday night, you might find me sitting at the bar. Thinking about the good times a middle-aged white guy used to have in this town. And, ladies, if you’re nice to me, I’ll buy you a few drinks. 


Our last show at Dunk’s was one of our best.

Our last show at Dunk’s was one of our best.






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