I Believe… [More Than Social Distancing]

By Don Hall

…that, at this point in time, your reliance on your gut or intuition when it comes to theories about potential conspiracies regarding politicians, COVID-19, the fucking moon landing, or the shape of the earth is nothing more than dangerously stupid. Your uninformed (or willfully misinformed) opinion is as valuable as a stripe of shit on your kitchen countertop.

…that while I understand that the self-isolation combined with the democratization of video creation presents a unique temptation, most of you are not interesting enough to post your barely grade school talents online.

…that despite the almost surrealistic beauty of Pandemic Pollution-Free Los Angeles, as soon as people can get back in their cars and clog up the freeways, we will still be debating whether or not we are causing climate disaster. Because we’re fucking stupid.

…that in the wake of the hysterical “Trump will try to be a dictator” hyperbole, it seems apparent that man is simply too lazy to be a totalitarian. Shirking federal responsibilities for pandemic response to the fifty governors is the least authoritarian response imaginable.

…that in addition to giving each other six feet of distance physically, we might also consider giving each other a bit of judgement distance as well. None of us really know what the fuck we’re doing in this period of history and everyone is trying to do the best they can with limited (and sometimes skewed) information.


A Small Café in Paris


Tips from the Universal Household Assistant | Lungs—to protect from dust.—