I Believe… [Clean Your Room!]

By Don Hall

…that if you publicly declare you experience a slight every day but are reluctant to provide examples, you’re probably full of shit.

…that being excited that Americans are voting in record numbers is like that feeling when your fat, lazy, angry teenager finally cleans his stinky room.

…that celebrating the stock market doing well is like cheering on a random suit as he rolls the dice at a craps table. We can pretend he’s going to spread the wealth around but we all know better.

…that the 21st Century version of ‘rags to riches’ is ‘unknown to famous.’ Being seen is now more important than being wealthy.

…that most of us, in the light of actually meeting Donald Trump in person, would fold rather than behave as we do on Twitter. 


Trip Report | White Sunglasses: Russell Springs, KY


The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 4