I Believe… [Political Misspelling is Dumb]

…that as I see online the attacks upon Chicago’s 16th Street Theater and specifically Ann Filmer I’m even happier to have left the city and more specifically the Chicago Arts scene now overtaken by the Rage Profiteering Wokesters.

…that when I see you spell women “womxn “ and folks “folx” and white “yt,” “wyte,” or “vvhite” your overwhelming virtue signaling blares so loudly that I simply can’t hear you for the noise. You’re only communicating to your trybe.

…that an interesting side effect of getting older is that more and more foods give one gas.

…that victim status has now officially jumped the shark. Perhaps we cannot (nor should we) swing the pendulum back to blaming victims but using some common fucking sense when dealing with genuine violence, actual harm, and protecting those most in need.

…that if 709 people out of 300 million or so developed small pox, it hardly would be considered an epidemic. If 709 people out of 300 million or so suddenly went blind, it wouldn’t be considered a crisis.


Chris Churchill Saves the World | Green


Hope Idiotic | Part 17