The First Call
Fiction, Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner Fiction, Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner

The First Call

The ringing of the phone reverberated throughout the office. You can tell who’s calling by the ring, whether it’s a good call or one which foretells disaster. The phone knows. Its voice sends you a message. You have to be smart enough, open enough, to understand its language.

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The Racetrack
Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner

The Racetrack

At the race tracks, my job was pretty simple, but potentially dangerous. A flat-bed truck delivered large heating and air-conditioning units to the site. A crane with a large boom was brought in, a big hook attached. The hook had to be put in the eye bolt which was fastened to the top of the unit.

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The Bottle Washer
Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner

The Bottle Washer

As a young hospital administrator at Rush Medical Center, one of the things I was encouraged to do is to make rounds on the various patient care units and support areas. These visits helped me build and reinforce relationships with the medical and nursing staff and drop in on some of the recently hospitalized patients.

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The Partnership
Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner

The Partnership

9:30 am. It was already 95 degrees with a 1000% humidity. And it was only mid-June.

When I moved to St. Louis from Chicago in 1990 to take my first CEO job at The Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, I traded a lousy winter for an unbearable summer. 3 dress shirts a day to go with my suit. One more when I had an evening function to attend.

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The Donation
Wayne Lerner, Fiction Wayne Lerner Wayne Lerner, Fiction Wayne Lerner

The Donation

“Thank you, sir,” Dr. Carton replied. “No one likes to be held hostage, but the size of your donation and the good it will do for the University, faculty and students is just too overwhelming.”

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