Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 18, 2024

By David Himmel

The Outfield’s “Your Love” is a grossly underrated song. And these days, I’m feeling it more than I have in a long time.

• There are three accomplishments every one of us needs to ensure a complete and great day:
1. Physical– Lift, run, swim, move
2. Mental– Write, sing, paint, create
3. Spiritual– Give someone a selfless orgasm

• Divorce is a bummer. But it’s better than being bummed out in captivity.

• Happy is the one who no longer gives a shit.

• Joyful is the one who finds passion that matters.

• Patient and calm is the one who maintains balance between the comedy and the tragedy.


I Believe... [Fun-Employed]


Single Sided Love at First Sight