The Beginning?

by Wayne Lerner

“So, what do you think?”

“I dunno. Let’s make it difficult. If it’s too easy, they’ll give little importance to it.”

“Yes, I understand. But if it’s too hard, what do you think will happen then?”

“Too hard, just a few will get it. Those that do, perhaps a greater appreciation of what they have.” 

“Maybe, but we have instructions. We were told what to do.”

“Remind me.”

“We’re supposed to help build, create. We can’t create with too few. There’s got to be many. Eventually.”

“You’re right. But let’s not make it too many at first. It can’t be too easy either.”

“Yeah they seem to be the kind to take advantage of a situation.”


“Yup. Their tendency is to take everything for granted.”

“Right, and this is too important. Not just to them, but to us as well.”

“Correct. We have our reputations to consider.”

“Let’s see… How many should we start with? One? Two? A hundred? How many?”

“Just two. Only two. But the journey they take must be hard. Only the strongest bonds will survive”


“That won’t always be the case, you know, but mostly.”


“Yeah, and they won’t know which road to take or when.” 

“It won’t be random, but it won’t be controllable either. Not totally.”

“Even as they progress, they won’t find the secret. At least not for a long, long time.”

“They’ll try, you know. They’re a curious bunch.”

“Yes, they’ll do this and they’ll do that and then they’ll think they’ll know, but they won’t.”

“By the time they figure out the right road, we’ll know they’re ready. Then we won’t have to worry anymore.”

“They’ll have some bad times because they’re trying to find the secret. There will be sadness, even suffering. Can they avoid that?”

“No! Absolutely not! They have to learn that all is not in their power, but some is.”


“More than they realize.”

“OK, then. We agree. One from each but many will be forthcoming.”

“Only one will have the ability to produce but they won’t know which one.”

“Ha! That’s right. They’ll have to experiment to learn and then live with the outcome.”

“Yup. And then start the process all over again.”

“This is perfect. I’m sure we will get high marks for the system we just developed”

“Perhaps we can do it again, elsewhere. It's certainly going to be fun to watch what happens.”

“No, not yet. It can’t be done in too many places. We have to observe, provide oversight and decide, at the last possible moment, if we have to intervene.”


“Yes, you’re right. We have to learn as well. Even you and I aren't  sure how this will all turn out.”

“Ok, let’s go make our report. We’ve got the concept, the place and the know-how. This will be great.”

“Yeah, one and one will end up adding and adding and adding to more – wait a minute! There’s going to be too many, all over the place. Then what will we do?”

“Nothing. That’s going to be their problem. We were told to help create and that’s what we’re going to do.”

“But, but…”

“No buts. (Hands slap and wave in the air).  Done! Finished!  End of the report. It’s their beginning, not ours. C’mon, we’ve  got another appointment to go to.”

Fade to black.


I Believe... [Dems Need a Press Agent]


The Era of Unrelenting Comparison, The Age of Poisonous Envy