David Himmel, Post-It Wall Notes David Himmel David Himmel, Post-It Wall Notes David Himmel

Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 11, 2021

Speaking of hell… I was recently asked if Jews believe in hell. Not that I’m an expert on all things Jewish, I was just the closest thing resembling a Jew at the time. Anyway… no. Jews don’t believe in hell. But if there was a Jewish hell, it would be Judaism’s worst having to watch that documentary about Woody Allen allegedly molesting his daughter for eternity. “Oy vey, noooooo! Why can’t we watch Annie Hall!?!?!?”

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Don Hall Don Hall Don Hall Don Hall

Does the Character of the Artist Taint the Art?

Turns out that Krafft is a Holocaust denier and a White Nationalist. Progressive art lovers everywhere spent vast amounts of wealth buying his "ironic" pieces only to find out that he wasn't really being ironic at all.

If you bought his kitchy "Hitler Idaho" teapot and thought it was an ironic joke and, in your subjective opinion, displayed the teapot as a provocative piece of dark humorous art, does the realization that the artist is a raging lunatic with hatefully poisonous beliefs change the teapot?

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