I Believe... [Stop Keeping Score]

...that the razor-thin line between feeling stuck and feeling free is the knowledge that every breath you take is a choice. The choice to not make a choice is still a choice.

...that the definition of cool is enjoying the thing in front of you instead of the thing just out of reach. Also black clothing.

...that for those keeping score, keeping score in anything other than sports or board games is the fucking problem.

...that the Barbiehammer memes that combine the love for pink and frilly with the dire consequences of mans quest for mass killing is incredibly on point for the hypocrisy and damage of modern society.

...that comfort is the antithesis of growth. Discomfort pushes us to strive and no one improved themselves sitting in a recliner watching Too Hot too Handle eating kettle chips and drinking milkshakes.


When an Ex Reaches Out


Striking Out?