Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of June 27, 2021

By David Himmel

• We should all treat each other like we’re in the first three months of dating.

• Donald Rumsfeld died of cancer. He got off easy.

• On my morning run thru the new neighborhood… Ran past a building that either was a psychic reading and tarot card place that became an income tax office or vice versa, OR doubles as both. The window signage wasn’t clear. Either way, it perfectly encapsulates everything about the American Financial System.

• Our dog is still a little too neurotic to poop in the yard and keeps crapping in the house, so basically, I just bought her a $500,000 toilet.

• The world is literally burning and we’re running out of water with which to extinguish it. But, hey, Bill Cosby is out of jail, so, yeah, we’re heading in the right direction… the end


A Bad Landing Destroys the Entire Trip


Alternatives to and variations on the slogan “Defund the Police,” because, let’s face it, it could use some improving, or at least some explanation and elaboration