I Believe… [Simple Resolve]

...that biological sex is real, racial essentialism is bad, communism doesn’t work, and that in a democracy comprised of 70% white people the message that whiteness is the problem is a losing message.

...that COVID is also a metaphor for living in a world with unpredictable weather extremes, nuclear weapons, and food-like substances designed to first addict you, then make you hugely obese, then kill you with COVID because the virus infects everyone but mostly kills old people, fat people, and old fat people.

…that Americans are too fundamentally lazy for a Civil War. 

...that if anyone still does New Year’s resolutions, they should include the goals to mind their own business, place their anxiety into perspective, and maybe take a few walks a week. Keep it simple for 2022.

...that the issue with Don’t Look Up is that it hues so close to current reality that it can’t actually satirize it.


The One 2022 Resolution For Us All


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