Love in the Time of Pandemic

By Elizabeth Harper

I want to inhale you, smell your hair, rub my cheek against yours, hold you close and dance in the moonlight

I want to talk to you, tell you everything: the important stuff, the trivial stuff, the mind-blowing stuff, the boring stuff

I want to hold your hand, sit in silence, sip from the same glass, eat from the same plate, sleep in the same bed

I want to kiss you endlessly, hungrily, like I can’t get enough, because I can’t get enough; I can never get enough of you

In sickness, in health; close, or faraway; in sadness, in elation; for better or for worse…

I hope this is not the worst that could ever happen, beyond anyone’s imagination.

I hope it doesn’t get any worse than this. I hope it gets better. I hope we all get better… Or at least survive… Or at least clear the way for a beautiful new day


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