I Believe… [Skipping Halloween?]

By Don Hall

…that any exercise is better than no exercise. Ten pushups are better than no pushups. A five-minute walk is better than no walking at all.

…that I'm really glad somebody is providing me with a rigorous system of racial classification. Till now, the world has been using charts from the 1930s. And for some weird reason, they're all in German.

…that the hope for a Blue Wave in the upcoming election is filled with doubt and fear spawned from the bizarre and over-explained anomaly of 2016. Hope is not enough this time around. Skin in the game, step it up, and become the Blue Wave. 

…that maybe we can skip Halloween this year given that the entire year has already been a bath of horror?

…that if cats were human size they’d tear us apart like a felt pig toy. I do not trust cats.


Clean Your Room


The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 1