I Believe… [I Have a Dream — Set in a Casino]

By Don Hall

…that if the Woke can expand the definition of racism over the course of the past thirty years, it should be no surprise when the Unprogressives expand it in the other direction.

…that the motive for mass shootings is important — if the shooter was an avowed follower of white supremacy, he’s not nuts, he’s a terrorist.

…that a casino is the true example of a melting pot of diversity: rich, poor, black, brown, white, English, Spanish, Japanese, German, fat, thin, straight, gay. You wanna see the America you dream of, go to Vegas.

…that our most essential task as humans in the 21st Century (with extended life span, food in abundance, technology that boggles the mind, and more leisure time than ever in history) is to do everything we can to avoid pettiness.

…that your right to demand a change in behavior extends to the boundaries of you and no further. Change yourself and lead by example because your demand that I change to fit your view of society is like a basketball thrown to an armless child.


I Like to Watch | Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood

