I Believe… [Screaming at Spiders Doesn’t Get Them Out of the House]

By Don Hall

…that the disconnect in American altruism is between fighting against homelessness and casually refusing to take a homeless person into your own home. The first is noble and signals virtue, the second seems unfathomable and sparks a litany of excuses and arguments that undercuts the fight.

…that idealism and passion aren’t solutions. Without them, solutions cannot be created but alone they represent the kind of pointless emotional response that screaming at a spider does.

…that a belief in Santa is absolutely no different from a belief in Jesus, that Medicare is free, or that essential oils are actually essential.

…that nothing in history is more fucking ear-wormy than the damn theme song to “My Buddy.

…that if you are spending time and money looking up your family tree to ascertain your culpability (or lack therein) for slavery or immigration or pretty much anything at all to do with your long familial legacy, you have a bit too much money and time on your hands.


The Virtue We Have Given Up On and Must Embrace in This Decade


Hope Idiotic | Part 35