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I Believe… [Affirmative Consent Is the Way To Go]

By Don Hall

…that when we can no longer disagree without feeling our ideological space has been fundamentally attacked and thus attack in return, we have surely become a putrid room of zealots.

…that episodic television shows are simply dressed up soap operas and, lately, the news is simply a non-stop parade of WWE wrestling matches.

…that Affirmative Consent Laws this are the exact and necessary step to take nationwide. Yeah, it’ll be a huge learning curve for all sexual beings but I think we can sacrifice a tad of the spontaneity and danger of hook ups for a better standard of how to do it safely.

Ambersand by Barry Deutsch

…that a shutdown of a completely non-functioning government is just as silly as announcing in 2018 that your Blockbuster store is closing for a week. Who gives a shit? I can get my fix of 1980s problematic comedies online now.

…that if you base your intrinsic value on status, material wealth, or ability to fit into the Machine, you will always be scrambling up the mountain to achieve those things most important to external elements. What you know and what you can do are always within your control and are the most fruitful focal points for valuation of the self.