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I Believe… [Surprise! Just When You Thought Alabama Was Done Taking a Shit!]

By Don Hall

…that an ideology based upon moral absolutes is the bedrock of fundamentalism. All the other horrifying "isms" — authoritarianism, fascism, racism, sexism — are built upon it. Fundamentalism is the only true cancer to democracy.

…that the sudden shock and surprise that several of our worst states in terms of rights for anyone but the wealthy decided to put laws into place to challenge Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court indicates either a blissful ignorance or a sad complacency. It’s like we saw the big dog eating bowls of slightly rotten meat and its own feces and, days later, were awestruck when it shit all over the living room.

…that any job that requires you to wear a nylon polo shirt is probably a bullshit job.

…that assuming negative intent in ambiguous situations is the road to assholery.

…that the Facebook Group I was invited to join (“Conversations with White People About Race”) should have been entitled “Black Moderators Share Articles About How Horrifying White People Are and White People Chime In In Agreement.” It’s not that white people aren’t often horrifying but get the name right, OK? #whitesplaining #mansplaining #oldmansplaining