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I Believe… [Dressing Up Opinion as Gospel]

By Don Hall

…that there is a difference between “Here’s an example of my past behavior that I learned from” and “Here’s an example of my past behavior that I’m proud of” and the knee-jerk reaction to offense tends to blind us from that difference.

…that my slightly disappointed reaction to the charges being dropped on Jussie Smollett indicates my personal bias… against opportunistic jagholes...

…that, if your demand is to confront and challenge but to avoid being confronted or challenged, “speaking your truth” is nothing more than hypocrisy. Your truth is not THE truth merely another aggrandizement of your opinion.

…that when you’re called a Nazi on Monday and a Libtard on Tuesday, your ideological game is strong.

…that no one in a serious position to change things is arguing that climate change is happening, that it is man-made, or that it has the potential to eliminate the human race. The debate is about what to do about it and the You’re Evil vs. You’re Soft game is going to waltz us straight into a slow and painful death as a species from starvation, disease, and temperatures that will melt the glasses on your face.