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I Believe… [The Hippie Enclave Will Protect Us From The Neo-Adolf]

By Don Hall

…that until the massive protests are against things like gerrymandering, the Electoral college and banking reform, most of our "in the streets" marches are sadly cosmetic rather than transformative. Protest without strategy is just theater.

…that America will never go the way of Nazi Germany if, for no other reason, Germany didn't have a one of the world's largest land masses completely inhabited by hippies and artists to push back. We have California. On the other hand, Hitler never had the fertile ground of regressive hate that is Florida.

…that refusing service to patrons based upon moral grounds is the right of every business owner but anyone who bases almost anything based on moral grounds is probably an unrepentant dick. Morality is as malleable and subjective as taste in shoes and any business owner who selects customers by the shoes they wear is an idiot who will soon be out of business.

…that anyone who thinks that children are blessed angelic innocents has never spent one minute in a pre-school to see the little monsters fight over a goddamned LEGO.

…that the Far Extremes of Ideology have always been with us. The difference now is that the ranting homeless guy spewing on and on about conspiracy theories and the bugs in his eyes never had Comcast before.