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I Believe… [A Cake By Any Other Frosting]

By Don Hall

...that the best way to disempower Trump is to ignore him.

...that the Supremes just acknowledged that bigoted intolerance is in the same wheelhouse as religious conviction. Sometimes a cake is just a cake but this time it's a cake being used to justify intolerant horseshit archaic attitudes with sprinkles and a butter creme frosting.

…that in the demand for perfection in everyone else, the absolute lack of perfection in each of us binds us to a hypocrisy that can only be resolved by not demanding perfection in everyone else. Or fucking off. That works, too.

...that there is a direct and scientific correlation between the number of Faceborg statuses (statisi?) one puts up trumpeting accomplishments in life, love and personal fitness and the degree that your self-esteem is severely crippled. Nothing screams "I loathe my very existence and wish I could eat a bullet but I'm afraid of death" than a daily reminder that you went to the gym and "give no fucks" about haters.

…that there's a reason that the wealthy are most often portrayed as the villains in popular culture and it isn't envy. It's reality. If your motivations in life are a soup of individualism, competition and materialism you are the villain.