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I Believe... [Advertisers Should Die Uncomfortably]

...that nothing feels more hollow and grotesque than a “Happy Holidays” email greeting from the company that provides Chicago parking meters.

...that Adam McKay’s VICE is not only a spectacular ride through the (kind of) factual biography of one of the least likeable humans on the planet, it is also a reminder that we Americans have, in fact, had it worse than right now when it comes to our government.

...that after spending a week plus in Kansas, I can say that the worst thing about this country and the lives of a vast swath of its citizens is having to endure television advertising. Fucking Geico commercials can destroy even Godfather Part II. It’s like having an annoying 14-year old keep interrupting your show every fifteen minutes to poke you in the chest repeatedly, make armpit farts, and twerk to mouth-made beats. For three fucking hours.

...that the lens with which we choose to see the world determines our reaction to it.

...that nothing feels more fulfilling and hopeful than working side by side with my amazing do-gooder mother at the Food Bank she fostered and nurtured and manages over the holidays.