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I Believe...

... that the Trump administration is its own worst enemy. All the outrage and pissing and moaning have subsided a bit (remember that giant protest on January 20th?) and these idiots just keep stepping on their dicks over and over. Can we impeach them on sheer incompetence?

... that taking down Bill O'Reilly for serial sexual harassment is quite a bit more righteous (and certainly less petty and needlessly vicious) than publicly shaming a powerless improviser on Facebook.

... that being gender-fluid is your choice and I'll defend your right to make that choice. Using pronouns that you insist I use isn't your choice, it's mine. Meaning, I'll do the best I can out of basic decency until you decide to get nasty about it and then you can blow it out your ass.  An ass is gender neutral, dontcha know...

... that if your goal is to bring in a more diverse audience and your solution is to market to those demographics better rather than hire more Black and Latin people on your staff, you don't see your audience as people but as metrics.

... that Tracy Letts is dead right about the Jeff Committee.